You only get to be a Primary school child once in your life-and we are determined that the children at STMP  experience the most memorable curriculum possible.

Its impossible to list everything we do but here’s a flavour…..

We engage in the National Literacy Trust for Young Readers Programme and the  storyteller Wendy Shearer visited Y3, Y4 and Y5.  The KS1 children met Effua Gleed and Caryl Hart through Bloomsbury Publishing and we have Neil Zetter the poet coming for a day this summer to inspire us with his poetry. Four children went to in Y2 went to ‘ECR7 Y2 Reads’ at the British Library and met Jack Meggitt Phillips, Andrew Scott &  JT Williams.

We have maths puzzle days , science workshops, circus skills , theatre performances, debate week, bedtime stories day and  a great after school club offer including Eco-Club, Art, Multi-sports, Computing, Girls Football, Boys Football, Homework club,  Boardgames and Choir.

We enter sports competitions and learn computing at the CLC. Our children learn to write plays  at Scene and Heard and attend ‘able writers’ workshops.

They sing at Choir Festivals at The Royal Albert Hall and perform music concerts.

We take advantage of our location to go to lots of museums and galleries, places of Worship, the Zoo, Broadstairs Beach and Year 6 go to stay on a moored ship for 4 days with ‘Fellowship Afloat.’

Please check out our class pages for lovely photos of many of these things in action and how much the children enjoy them!