St Mary and St Pancras CE Primary School is governed by people representing our local community and its links with the wider world.

Some governors are parents or staff, others are foundation (Church of England) governors, from the local authority or the churches of St Mary ‘s Church, Eversholt St and St Pancras Euston Road.  All our governors have equal status and make decisions collectively. In a typical governing body meeting, we might look at the impact of our school’s distinctive Christian Vision, pupils outcomes,  finance,  develop policies or assess the impact of recent legislation. Safeguarding, Health & Safety and the impact of our Vision are all standing agenda items. Our school Vision and Values underpin every decision that we make.

Our legal duties include

  • setting strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • approving the school budget
  • reviewing progress against the School Development Plan objectives
  • appointing and supporting the Headteacher by being a critical friend

Individual governors have regular meetings with staff in one capacity or another. We all meet together as a body nine times a year. If you think there is something the governors need to know and to discuss there, please contact the Chair, James Poole, through the school office.

How do I become a Governor?

If you think you have what it takes to be a school governor there are a number of ways of finding schools that have vacancies: 1) You can contact your local school to ask if they need a new governor 2) You can contact the School Governors’ One Stop Shop‘, which recruits Governors nationally 3) You can contact your local council 4) Contact the LDBS.

We are delighted to announce that The Revd Jonathan Lee was licensed as Associate Priest for St Pancras Euston Rd on 19th September 2024 and by virtue of his office will become a Governor of the school.  Now he is in place, we expect Foundation Parochial Church Council will appoint to  the remaining vacancy.

If you would like to become a Governor, please do get in touch with the Chair of Governors, James Poole or the Headteacher, Jules Belton on the school number 0207 387 6117 /

St Mary & St Pancras governance arrangements are as follows:

  • The Full Governing Body meets each month for eight months of the year. The FGB is clerked by a clerk from Camden.
  • The Finance Committee  is convened to look at staffing, salaries and the budget and reports to the FGB.
  • A  designated Admissions Committee meets on behalf of the FGB with delegated authority to check  all is in order for  Nursery and Reception admissions every Spring spring term.
  • Panels of governors will be convened as and when required to consider parental complaints or disciplinary issues should they arise.

As part of our ongoing transparency we publish our minutes on this website, although that is not a statutory requirement. However, it is a statutory requirement for all governors to publish any conflicts of interest they may have or could be conceived as a possible conflict of interest. These are shown in the following tables. Please click on the tables to view.




Also, we are required to publish the attendance of governors over the previous 12 month rolling period including  their term of office and who appoints them. This is shown in the following table:



Governing Body Minutes


Full Governing Body Minutes 20th September 2023

Full Governing Body Minutes 18th October 2023

Full Governing Body Minutes 4th December 2023

Full Governing Body Minutes 24th January 2024

Full Governing Body Minutes 21st February 2024

Full Governing Body Minutes 20th March 2024

Full Governing Body Minutes 8th May 2024

Full Governing Body Minutes 10th June 2024





Full Governing Body Minutes 21st September 2022

Full Governing Body Minutes 12th October 2022

Full Governing Body Minutes 23rd November 2022

Full Governing Body Minutes 25th January 2023

Full Governing Body Minutes 21st March 2023

Full Governing Body Minutes 24th May 2023

Full Governing Body Minutes 10th July 2023



Full Governing Body Minutes 20th October 2021

Full Governing Body Minutes 13th December 2021

Full Governing Body Minutes 12th January 2022

Full Governing Body Minutes 3rd February 2022

Full Governing Body Minutes 9th March 2022

Full Governing Body Minutes 27th April 2022

Full Governing Body Minutes 25th May 2022

Full Governing Body Minutes 22nd June 2022

Full Governing Body Minutes 13th July 2022


Full Governing Body Minutes 29th September 2020

Full Governing Body Minutes 20th October 2020

Full Governing Body Minutes 15th December 2020

Full Governing Body Minutes 26th January 2021

Full Governing Body Minutes 25th February 2021

Full Governing Body Minutes 23rd March 2021

Full Governing Body Minutes 5th May 2021

Full Governing Body Minutes 13th July 2021


Full Governing Body Minutes 17th September 2019

Full Governing Body Minutes 19th November 2019

Full Governing Body Minutes 17th December 2019

Full Governing Body Minutes 21st January 2020

Full Governing Body Minutes 25th February 2020

Full Governing Body Minutes 5th May 2020

Full Governing Body Minutes 16th June 2020

Full Governing Body Minutes 14th July 2020


Full Governing Body Minutes 16th July 2019

Full Governing Body Minutes 18th June 2019

Full Governing Body Minutes 7th May 2019

Full Governing Body Minutes 19th March 2019

Full Governing Body Minutes 12th February 2019

Full Governing Body Minutes 15th January 2019

Full Governing Body Minutes 11th December 2018

Full Governing Body Minutes 6th November 2018

No meeting in October

Full Governing Body minutes 20th September 2018

Who We Are

James Poole

James Poole

Chair of Governors

Jules Belton

Jules Belton


Dorcas Cumming

Dorcas Cumming

Vice Chair

Chris Dunning

Chris Dunning

Staff Governor

William Hall

William Hall

Foundation Governor

Fr Paschal Worton

Fr Paschal Worton

Incumbent (COM)

James White

James White

Local Authority Governor

Atong Nyantut William Nyuon

Atong Nyantut William Nyuon

Foundation Governor

Charlotte Haberstroh

Charlotte Haberstroh

Foundation Governor

Zoe Bishop

Zoe Bishop


Tiwa King

Tiwa King

Parent Governor

Waled Bin Khaled

Waled Bin Khaled

Parent Governor

Lena Seed

Lena Seed

Clerk to Governors