At St Mary and St Pancras CE School,  we are very proud of our school uniform; the presentation of our children is often commented on when they are out and about on school trips and events.

School uniform with the school logo is not mandatory. We are happy that our children wear the school colours and encourage parents to buy uniform from a shop to suit their budget.

We ask that all children wear black school shoes until the summer months. Children can wear wellington boots to school when it is wet if they bring a change of footwear for indoors ( this protects our carpets and prevents wet floors, which could be a hazard)

Summer Uniform: Summer term and Autumn 1; Blue and white summer dresses ( checks or stripes), white polo shits and shorts, shorts for PE and sandals with socks.

PE Kit: Blue / grey jogging bottoms or shorts, white T-shirt and trainers or black plimsoles.  No football kits or branded T shirts/ logos. PE kit is only worn for PE-children must bring uniform to change into, if their PE session is in the morning.

Children grow very quickly and they often outgrow their uniform; our parents often donate very good quality uniform for others to use. We  also have a stock of very good quality unnamed  lost-property ( despite our best efforts to reunite lost uniform with its owner) which we make available for small donations every half term.

We encourage parents to contact the school office if they need help with sourcing or buying uniform-we can also access grants for uniform for any parent that is struggling financially so please contact Rebecca Harrison, SENDCo in complete confidence, via the school office on 0207 387 6117/



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