SEND  at St Mary and St Pancras CE Primary School

Inclusion is at the heart of the St Mary and St Pancras CE School ethos. It drives everything we do. We firmly believe in success for ALL children and everything we do, every day, is focused on this.

Please see the SEND Information Report for 2023-24 by clicking the following link:


We provide a high quality, rich and exciting curriculum for all children, yet we know, from regularly monitoring progress, that some children will require extra provision that is additional to or different from the other children in their class.

Where this is the case, we look at whether the child would benefit from being placed on the Special Educational Needs Register. We would always do this in conjunction with parents. This allows the needs of the child to be considered in an in depth way through an Individual Support Plan, (ISP). This plan allows for additional or different provision to be implemented and is reviewed regularly.

Some children have more complex needs and they may require the support from specialist services that the school works with – including Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Educational Psychologists and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, to name but a few.

For a small number of our pupils, their needs are such that they require an Educational Health Care Plan. The school works closely with parents and the professionals involved, where this is the case.

We know that for families with a child with SEND, things can be difficult and confusing at times. As well as supporting the child, it is vital that we work closely with families too. The SENDCo is the main point of contact for all families with children who have special educational needs.

Children for whom English is an additional language are supported, (particularly if they have just started with very little English) in small groups or periods of one to one work with support staff. They are often given support from a member of our staff, who can speak their language.

There are some children at our school who have medical needs. We have plans in place for them and we liaise with the professionals involved. Their wellbeing is of utmost importance to us.

The SENDCo at our school is Rebecca Harrison and she can be contacted by email via our school office by emailing or by phone on 0207 387 6117.

We support children in lots of different ways and through a variety of interventions. We adapt teaching to support the needs of all pupils. Please see our current whole school provision map for more details.

STMP Whole School Provision Map 

Useful Documents

Frequently Asked Questions on Inclusion

Useful websites for Parents and Carers

Useful websites

Camden Local Authority



SENDIASS Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (Previously known as Parent partnership) email

SENDIASS leaflet

Useful policies linked to Inclusion


Equality, Diversity, Dignity and Inclusion Policy

Accessibility Plan

Positive Learning Behaviour Policy

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

Code of Conduct for working with families and advocates